TCI Udayana University is an educational institution formed by the collaboration of Udayana University and the Confucius Institute Headquater Hanban, which has evolved into the Chinese International Education Foundation (CIEF) and collaborates with two Chinese universities, namely Nanchang University and Nanchang Normal University. TCI was founded at Udayana University to facilitate Chinese language learning, promote cultural exchange, and foster collaborative relationships among educational institutions. TCI existence is very strategic because Bali, as a world tourist destination, is visited by so many Chinese tourists that it is deemed necessary to prepare Human Resources who can speak Mandarin and understand Chinese Tourist Culture.

According to the Decree of the Chancellor of Udayana University Number 334/UN14/HK/2022, TCI Udayana University is structurally under the Faculty of Tourism of Udayana University. Therefore, the TCI work program at Udayana University includes aspects of education (Mandarin language teaching, especially for tourism stakeholders, student exchanges, etc.), research (studying regional potentials with historical values of Bali-China acculturation relations, assessing the market potential of Chinese tourists, and so on), and community service (training and community assistance in improving the competence of mastering Mandarin to enhance the quality of service to Chinese tourists visiting Bali).


Chinese International Education Foundation

Nanchang University


Nanchang Normal University

Rector Of Udayana University

Udayana University, which was established on September 29, 1962, is the first and oldest university in Bali. Located in one of the world most famous cultural heritage and tourism business center of Indonesia allows Udayana University to provide a unique cultural and academic environment. Udayana University applies cultural and scientific paradigms, which are further elaborated in the scientific approach, faculties, study programs, and unique curriculum. Currently, around 29,985 students come from various regions in Indonesia and around 1,200 international students come from various regions in the world (such as Europe, America, Asia, and Australia) to study and study at Udayana University.

In the era of globalization, cross-cultural understanding is one way to strengthen friendship between Indonesia and the People Republic of China by building a bridge of dialogue so that we can understand each other various aspects of life between the two nations, such as politics, economics, culture, language, arts, and tourism. To answer this challenge, Udayana University has established the Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI) at Udayana University.

Based on the Vision and Mission of Confucius Institutes, the establishment of TCI at Udayana University in Indonesia is expected to promote the teaching of Mandarin and comprehensive cultural exchange to understand the local wisdom of the two countries. The tourism industry, tourism vocational education, and the need for special talent training in Mandarin for tourism have become prominent advantages in the tourism sector.

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Contact Us For More Information

+62 361 4722331

The 4th floor Argokompleks Building Tourism Confucius Instituten Office, JL. P.B. Sudirman, Dauh Puri Klod, Kec. Denpasar Barat, ZIP Code : 80234