Thursday, June 3, 2021 Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI) Udayana University held the First Board Meeting of the Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI) Udayana University which was conducted online. This First Board Meeting aims to report on the development of TCI activities and the use of the TCI budget in 2020 and convey the planning of TCI activities at Udayana University which will be held in 2021. The First Board Meeting was attended by the Chancellor of Udayana University (Prof. Dr. dr. AA Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K)), UNUD Vice Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation, and Information (Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Wyasa Putra, SH., M.Hum), Head of UNUD International Affairs Office (Dr. Ni Nyoman Pujianiki), Director Indonesia TCI UNUD (I Made Sendra), Deputy Chair of the UNUD TCI Board Chancellor of Nanchang University (Prof. Zhou Chuangbing), Vice Chancellor of Nanchang University (Deng Xiaohua), Director of International Exchange College (Zhou Ting), Director of China TCI UNUD (Prof. Dr. Tao Xianguang), Vice Chancellor of the TCI Board of the Chancellor of Nanchang Normal University (Prof. Wang Jing Ping), Vice Chancellor of Nanchang Normal University (Hu Xiaoping), Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Center (Ms. Cheng Hongying ). This Board meeting has four main agendas. The first agenda is the 2020 activity & financial report by the Director of Indonesia TCI UNUD. The second agenda is the 2021 activity planning & RAB report by the Director of China TCI UNUD. The third agenda was the remarks of the Vice Chairman I of the TCI Board by the President of Nanchang Normal University. The fourth agenda was the remarks of the Vice Chair II of the TCI Council by the Chancellor of Nanchang University. Through this auspicious opportunity, all university leaders, including Udayana University, Nanchang University, and Nanchang Normal University, continue to improve various programs so as to ultimately provide positive benefits for the three universities. The First Board Meeting of the Tourism Confucius Institute, Udayana University ended with a group photo session.

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