
Summer and Winter Camp Program

Based on the Memorandum of Understan`ding (MoU) signed by Nanchang University and Nanchang Normal University and rector of Udayana University in November 2017, it explains that the three parties will engage in mutual and reciprocal academic cooperation, such as summer and winter camp programs, students and staff exchange programs. The summer and winter camp programs were realized from 2018-2019. From July 1, 2018 - to July 14, 2018, the Vice President for Planning and International Cooperation Udayana University led 32 teachers and students to Nanchang University to participate in the two-week Chinese Culture Summer Camp. And also from December 20, 2019 until January 4, 2019 the students from Udayana University were invited by Dalian University to participate in the Two-Week Winter Camp Program. Overall, there were about 60 students of Udayana University participated in “Two-Week Chinese Cultural Summer Camp” conducted by Nanchang University and a “Two- Week Winter Camp Program” conducted by Dalian University in China.

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