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Organizational Structure

The Organizational Structure of Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI) at Udayana University consists of a Director and the Board of Director. The Board of Director consists of members nominated from the theree parties. The Board includes senior-level (university-level) leaders from three parties. Its duties include formulating and amending the Constitution of the institute; formulating the development plans for the institute; decision-making on the significant issues including teaching, research and operation; fund raising, appointing and dismissing the Director of the Institute (Indonesian Director and Chinese Director); examining and approving the budget proposal and final financial accounts of the institute, reporting to the two parties on the operation status and significant issues. The Rector of Udayana University and President of Nanchang University will take turns to serve as the Chair of the Board with tenure of two years. In this condition, the president/rector of the other university and the president of Nanchang Normal University will serve as the Vice-Chairs of the Board (Agreement between CI Headquarter and Udayana University, 2019

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Gedung Argokompleks Lantai IV Kantor Tourism Confucius Institute, JL. P.B. Sudirman, Dauh Puri Klod, Kec. Denpasar Barat 80234