About Us

Our Parnters

Based on organizational structure of the CI at Udayana University, our university partnership consists of Nanchang University and Nanchang Normal University. According to the notification requirements of the CI Headquarters, the university partnership has responsibilities such as (a) To select qualified Chinese Director, Chinese teachers and volunteer Chinese Teachers to teach at the Tourism Institute of Udayana University; (b) To provide textbooks, reference materials and audio-visual materials; (c) To receive and make study arrangements for students recommended by the Confucius Institute to study in Nanchang University or Nanchang Normal University; (d) To receive study groups organized by the Confucius Institute. And which Chinese university receives this study group will be decided case by case by the Board of Advisors; (e) To decide the themes and the implementation plans of academic exchange activities carried out by the Confucius Institute through discussion with the Board of Advisors (Implementation Agreement Between Nanchang University, Nanchang Normal University and Udayana University, 2019).

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Gedung Argokompleks Lantai IV Kantor Tourism Confucius Institute, JL. P.B. Sudirman, Dauh Puri Klod, Kec. Denpasar Barat 80234