P.R. China Consul General scholarship award ceremony in Denpasar

The 4th P.R. china Consul General Scholarship award ceremony in Denpasar will be held on Friday, August, 2021. through the Voov meeting application. The event was attended by The Concul General of China in Denpasar, The Head of The Bali Province Youth and Sports Education Office, The Head of the NTB Province Education and Culture Office, The Indonesian Director Tourism Confucius Institute Udayana University. In this 4th P.R. china Consul General Scholarship Award Ceremony, 7 University students have passed the selection consisting of, 1 student from the Faculty of Agriculture, 2 students from the Faculty of Engineering, 4 students from the Faculty of Tourism.

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Gedung Argokompleks Lantai IV Kantor Tourism Confucius Institute, JL. P.B. Sudirman, Dauh Puri Klod, Kec. Denpasar Barat 80234