TCI Udayana University is in accordance with the agreement in the signing of the MoU between Udayana University and the Confucius Institute Head Quarter in Beijing and the follow-up to the MoU in the form of an LoI with partner universities in Jiangxi province, namely Nanchang University and Nanchang Normal University, the TCI Udayana University institution contributes in addition to language teaching as well as introducing Chinese national holidays such as the celebration of the 72nd Anniversary of the PRC and traditional celebrations of the Chinese calendar of events. Yesterday, September 21, 2021, coincided with the celebration of the Hindu Day, namely the Full Moon of Sasih Kapat according to the Balinese Hindu calendar which falls at the same time as the Moon Cake Festival. We held this celebration at Griya Kongco Dwipayana in Denpasar, acculturating ethnic Chinese and Balinese Hindus who performed prayers at the same temple to honor the Chinese gods in the belief systems of Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. Its acculturation lies in the concept of Balinese Hinduism embracing Shiva Buddhism. So we Hindus and Chinese people pray at the same temple as a form of Indonesian cultural multiculturalism. The series of ceremonies (1) Offering moon cake to 11 gods in the Chinese belief system with the main gods being the god of the earth, the god of the sky, Amitaba Buddha, and the goddess Kwan Im. (2) Pray together to 11 gods and goddesses. (3) The offerings that we have made to the gods, we ask for the blessings of the gods by distributing cakes to people who come to the temple to eat cakes together. This is the information we can provide. Hopefully it can be helped to be broadcast in the metro xingwen cultural acculturation program to build a multicultural Indonesia and strengthen diplomatic relations with Chinese Indonesian culture. Xiexienin.

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