The Indonesian Director of TCI Udayana University received a visit from the Jakarta Central Immigration Team, Thursday 7 October 2021 at the TCI Office of Udayana University Agrkomplek Building 4th Floor, Udayana University Denpasar Campus. The visit of the Immigration Team from Jakarta was led directly by Mr. Gede Dudy (the head of multilateral kermakim, sub-directorate of inter-state kermakim of the Directorate General of Immigration), Mr. Ridwan and Ms. Rofiqi as staff at Immigration Center Jakarta. The purpose of his visit was to see firsthand the process of implementing Mandarin learning carried out by 137 Ngurah Rai Immigration staff who were learning Mandarin online. Mr. Gede Dudy as the group leader said that the Directorate General of Immigration Central Jakarta certainly has a central role in overseeing all processes carried out at each immigration office from various regions in Indonesia, including one of the Mandarin language training activities carried out by immigration staff Class 1 Ngurah Rai. This Mandarin language training activity is certainly very important to improve the quality of service, especially for Chinese tourists visiting Bali. Through this visit, the immigration authorities expressed their gratitude and high appreciation to the Consulate of R.R. China and TCI Udayana University because they have facilitated Mandarin language training activities and hope that Mandarin language training is not only given to the immigration class 1 Ngurah Rai but does not rule out the possibility for all immigration staff throughout Bali and even Indonesia. Mr. I Made Sendra as Director of Indonesia TCI Udayana University welcomed this visit. Hopefully in the future this collaboration and communication can continue to be established so as to improve Mandarin language skills, especially for all Immigration staff so as to improve the quality of immigration staff services in the process of providing services to every Chinese tourist. who visited Bali. TCI Udayana University also stated that it is ready if given the trust to train staff throughout Indonesia. Considering that TCI already has a partner in China who is very professional in teaching Mandarin.

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Gedung Argokompleks Lantai IV Kantor Tourism Confucius Institute, JL. P.B. Sudirman, Dauh Puri Klod, Kec. Denpasar Barat 80234